Indian Book Critics

The Settled Homeless by Rover V – Book Review

The Settled Homeless by Rover V book review Indian Book Critics

The book market often surprises analytical readers like me with titles beyond the perceived purpose of offering something to read, enjoy, and forget. I have many experiences reading books that remain with me, partly or in fragments, even after I have shelved them on the rack that reads ‘finished’. And one such title, new on the list, is Rover V’s realistic, contemporary, and sensible book The Settled Homeless. The narrative offers us a personality who is an intellectual giant before, after and during meeting Nelly, his student. The protagonist, Dr Theodor Rae, homely called Ted, takes us (the readers) through his extraordinary life in this novel (indirectly). 

Noticeable things that this novel highlights, other than Ted-Nelly’s intellectually starving love story, are the struggles of capable persons who are ready to contribute to society with their wisdom (and the system somehow complicates things). It is also remarkable that the novel’s author has brought to the notice of the readers that the problems in higher education are not only India’s problems. It is the same story everywhere.  

Linguistically rich, the novel will offer an elevated reading experience. The author’s language, decorated with unknown synonyms at times, will keep contemporary readers busy on their phones (looking up in the dictionary apps). Though I enjoy reading works that challenge the competence of readers’ expertise in a language, many may not find themselves in the mood for a hide-and-seek game. However, if you like a prosaic, out-of-the-box, a little slow-to-unfold, and intriguing story, you should be up for this challenge anyway! 

The storyline offers two circles. Ted and Nelly’s love story and the struggles of Ted, the intellectual or Dr Theodor Rae, who finds no satisfaction in his job as a software guy. His craving for life satisfaction continues even after he becomes a professor, keeps busy writing research papers and explores life in different countries. As you may find in the table of contents, Nelly plays a key role in the novel – before and after you begin reading it. 

Overall, the novel is amusing, entertaining and intriguing (only when you can cope with the author’s fancy for elevated language). Even the penname of this novelist is more than sufficient to compel many to make their brows – Rover V. Personally, I liked reading it and found many instances gripping. It was a good escape from the mundane of romance and adventure, thriller and mystery, and regular motivational syrup. If you have a fascination for the different, you will like reading The Settled Homeless! 

Get a copy from Amazon India – click here to buy it now.

Review by Amit for Indian Book Critics 



The Settled Homeless by Rover V – Book Review
  • IBC Overall Rating


The Settled Homeless by Rover V is a memoir decorated with fancy colours of fiction. It may attract readers who are looking to add diversity to their reading lists… interesting story and a lingua-rich narrative.

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