Indian Book Critics

Best Book Promotion Strategy that works in India

best book promotion services in India

The Logic and Science behind book promotions

There are some certain and fundamental principles to promote a book. Advertisement plays a pivotal role in the branding of newcomers in the market. Be it a real estate business or a wristwatch manufacturer. If something is new, it has to be promoted in order to generate a brand name and customer recognition. Likewise, if an author is new, it’s inevitable that he or she has to create a name first. And today, undoubtedly, Indian literature has become a market where without perfect strategies and execution your book will not find even a single reader (in most of the scenarios, the readers are related to the author – relatives, friends and well-wishers). In order to reach to a wider audience you need to understand certain steps and guidelines:

1. Building Author Brand: Readers are becoming so smart these days or blatantly saying they are prejudiced in a way that they will not read an unknown author. So, first, an author needs to be in buzz or in popular culture or even being discussed by bloggers and readers and then only the aware readers will read him or her. The brand of the author can be created in two ways either by the use of social media or by the google search results. It is a common phenomenon among us whenever we find something new we simply either go to google or any social media to know who is this? It’s all about brand building. When the results appear in your favour, like a brand in trend, the readers will start trusting you. And you can make it count. In this process, many websites can help you that only write about the author and these platforms can make your progress so easy.

(Need author brand building? Contact BookBoys PR –

2. Understanding the Market: This is an important thing. You need to understand the market in order to execute your plan perfectly. You cannot sell bananas in a Bengal market. Consider the structure and nature of the market how it is behaving in recent periods. The ‘literature market’ is filled with authors and you have to stand out in the competition and at the same time deliver to the readers what they want to read. Is it complicated? Yes, maybe. But it’s all about your own talent.

3. Understanding the readers: This is another important part. Ditch your expense in print media because no book readers are gonna take a look of the newspaper that seriously these days. Digital news has taken over. The readers are always online busy in reading Kindles, watching web-series and chatting on WhatsApp. Can you lure the readers by using these techniques? If yes, then you are good to go! They will look for your book online where you have created the buzz. It is true that print media is not gonna help you in the branding anymore. Most of the readers are youth and they read online book websites. Whether your book is featured there or not that’s the point.
(Thinking of creating a strategy that works? Contact at or call +91 9798108921, BookBoys Promotions [a dedicated book marketing company in India])

4. Getting Book Reviews: Honestly, you need some reviews from famous websites or reputed book reviewers in India who strictly write about literature only. A review on such a website that reviews washing powder, pen and watches as well as book won’t help you. Moreover, you also need to take a close whether the reviews you are getting are honest, well-read and comprehensive or not. If your book is being reviewed by some of the best reviewers, then certainly the result will be reflected in your sales. Because the reviewers have already created a mass base of readers who believe in their words, book recommendations and judgements. Goodreads can help you a lot in this case. There you will find your target readers who are keenly interested in reading books and often use to review them as well.

5. Creating Buzz: This step is crucial you need to understand it carefully. The buzz can be created by doing all the four steps. Give some interviews to famous personalities of India who are regularly conducting interviews of authors – like Author Interviews. Be in the list of featured authors, acquire some reviews from famous websites and update your social media presence regularly. This will create a buzz in the market and readers will understand that someone has arrived and is running.

by an industry expert

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