“The dead man was lying against a rock with a nickelplated government .45 automatic lying cocked in the grass between his legs.” Well, if you have watched the movie No…
“To my surprise, I found that my name had preceded me. ” What Edward Snowden has written in his book, chapter 3, has certainly been a way to describe what…
The market is filled with books but choosing the appropriate one to read is a difficult task. The book I am reviewing today is pretty different and unfolds some cognitive…
USAma: Is USA the World’s Largest Terrorist? Well, the pun in the title of the book by Amit Bagaria is qualified by the subtitle that he has decided to add…
Sometimes, there are the books that you love to read; sometimes, there are the books that you love reading for different perspectives, different times, many times, time and again. The…
Science has certainly changed the way we live and die. It has penetrated deeper into our veins and it has traditionally been challenging the very idea of God. It’s a…
I-SPY: A Peep into the World of Spies is one of the many books written by Amit Bagaria, the emerging author of non-fiction books on political and strategical issues in…
The biggest question that we face as children, teenagers and grown-ups is undoubtedly the question that questions the very existence of God. Is there any God? Where is he? Where…
The best thing that happened to me, fortunately, is that I was born into a family of tolerant Brahmins, Hindus, as matter of fact, who believe and have been traditionally…
Since the very childhood, there are certain ideas of certain things with which we grow up. In India, we grow up knowing Gandhi as Mahatma, Nehru as chacha, Congress as…
Francis Bacon is perhaps the most-debated essayist in the world (of course writing in the English language). He tried his hands in writing essays when England was bathing in the…
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