Everything for Indian Book Lovers…

Second Chance by Dr. Sandeep

Second Chance

Things change; they are meant to change; constant is nothing except the change itself, and we should embrace change as well! In a nutshell, this is the message that the…
Birthday Letters

Birthday Letters

With those rare poets who became more popular than their poetry, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath share the stage. More than their poetry, their personal lives still use to be…
The Hungry Tide

The Hungry Tide

The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh is a very popular novel and mostly included in the university syllabuses across the nation. There are certainly the things about this novel which…
Indian Book Critics default

What do we do?

Hobbies are hobbies and for hobbies only. Once you transcend and your hobbies become your passion, you are on the go. You will do something, and surely you will, for…