There have been many feministic novels in recent years. Even the ones by this latest, diverse and expressive generation of novelists in India have offered a variety of perspectives to…
The title contains the central idea of the novel – one set of characters is powerful and another set is powerless. However, in this world that we inhabit, nothing is…
Political crime thrillers are not new. Espionage and spy fiction as well as novels based on grim realities are seldom welcomed in our country with open arms by readers as…
The novel is actually consuming and let me warn you that you might end up thinking a lot. It’s a one-go novel and it will automatically draw you to read…
Title: The White Tiger Author: Aravind Adiga Publication: Harper Collins, 2008, UK ISBN: 1-4165-6259-1 Genre: Picaresque novel Number of Pages: 318 Price: 400 Name of the Reviewer: Chandan Kumar Aravind…
“In 90s, it was a trend among the Indian parents to push their kids for either becoming a doctor or an engineer.” This revelation is there, right in the prologue…
Fíona Scarlett’s debut novel, Boys Don’t Cry, has aptly been subtitled with a reference, an advertisement or a call to action by Marian Keyes: ‘I Can’t Remember Ever Reading Something…
Before I could begin with anything else about the book, let me confess that Meeta J Gupta, the novelist who has come up with such a novel, deserves appreciation and…
A Farewell to Arms, written by Ernest Hemingway and published in 1929, is an American novel of the ‘novel on the rise’ era in the USA. The novel depicts many…
Let me say it at the outset that Exit Game is a futuristic science fiction novel that demands a little awareness of the technology we might see in the future.…
Retrace Love is the debut novel by Malini Amaladoss, a novelist who has tried to offer a new dimension to the idea of love – having loved and lost rather…
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